
We’re committed to providing a safe living and learning environment for everyone, 24 hours a day. Please remember that safety is everyone's responsibility and we hope you have a safe and enjoyable year here in 大学的宿舍.

对于一般 应急准备 国土安全部的建议和策略, 点击这里.


  1. Keep important phone numbers (fire department, paramedics, police, hospital, doctor, relatives, 等.)通过电话. If you do not have a land line, make sure you have these numbers saved on your cell phone!
  2. 把手电筒放在方便的地方.
  3. Install surge protectors to help safeguard electronic equipment.
  4. Frequently back up important work and files on your computer.
  1. Make sure you’re driving in the right direction by reading posted signs and watching for arrows on the pavement indicating the designated direction. The 大学的宿舍 parking lot direction is one way only.
  2. Always give driving your full attention: avoid eating, 喝, 使用手机, 以及驾驶时的其他干扰.
  3. Follow all campus traffic signage: fully stop at stop signs, 让路给行人, 并遵循张贴的交通模式(单向), 等.).
  4. Only park in a space if you’re sure you have enough room.
  5. Be careful opening your door as you exit your car to avoid denting the side of the car next to you.
  1. 电子门只对车辆开放.
  2. They are set up to allow only one vehicle at a time to exit and are unsafe for pedestrians to use at any time.
  3. 等待大门打开后再进入或离开.
  4. Multiple vehicles attempting to enter or exit a parking gate designed for single vehicle function is unsafe and may cause damage to both the vehicle and the gate.
  1. 如果动物有威胁,请拨打911. 如果动物没有威胁,请拨打(310)523 -9566.
  2. You’ll be prompted to enter our zip code (90746) you may hear a recording say, 我们的地区没有他们的服务, 不过别挂电话, 他们会帮你找到合适的人.
  3. 网站: www.animalcare.lacounty.政府
  4. 营业时间:
  1. Normally coyotes are elusive animals and avoid any contact with humans. 它们在黄昏后和天亮前最活跃. 你会遇到土狼吗, 野生动物 experts including the California Department 鱼类及野生动物 recommend the following. 
  2. 让自己尽可能的高大. 站直,在头上挥动双臂.
  3. 如果被野狼跟踪,发出大声的声音. 尖叫、喊叫或吹口哨. 如果失败,向动物的方向扔石头.
  4. 直接有力地对郊狼说话.
  5. 是动画.
  6. 永远直视郊狼. 永远不要转身或逃跑.
  7. Feeding, harming, harassing, or medicating wild animals on campus is prohibited. Never leave food for any animals on campus, since this may attract coyotes. Never feed or provide water to coyotes; this causes them to quickly lose their fear of humans and develop a territorial attitude that may lead to aggressive behavior.  
  8. The California Department 鱼类及野生动物 provides additional information on their website as part of the Keep Me Wild program: http://www.wildlife.ca.Administration/Keep-Me-Wild/Coyote 
  9. 你有什么问题或顾虑吗, 或者想报告校园里的土狼目击事件, please contact Risk Management/EHOS at (310) 243-3012.
  • 由加州部门提供. 鱼类及野生动物
  1. 不要喂浣熊!
  2. It is unlawful to feed any mammalian predator in the City of Los Angeles, including raccoons (53.06.5 L.A.M.C.).
  3. 浣熊可以表现得很温顺,可以用手喂养. 不要被愚弄!
  4. Raccoons are wild animals capable of inflicting serious bites and scratches.
  5. Raccoons can also carry diseases that can be transferred to humans. Avoid all direct contact with raccoons and other 野生动物.
  6. 大多数野生动物很容易被人吓到.
  7. If you come across a raccoon that doesn’t turn tail and run, 动物可能生病了, 保护幼崽, or conditioned to the presence of humans through feeding.
  8. In any case, you should contact your local animal care and control.
  9. http://www.laanimalservices.com/about-animals/wildlife/raccoons/
  • 由洛杉矶市提供
  1. 别被那张可爱的脸骗了!
  2. Ground squirrels can harbor diseases harmful to humans, 尤其是当松鼠数量密集的时候. Do not touch or feed squirrels, no matter how cute they are.
  3. A major concern is bubonic plague, transmitted to humans by fleas carried on the squirrels. Ground squirrels are susceptible to plague, which has wiped out entire colonies.
  4. If you find unusual numbers of squirrels or other rodents dead for no apparent reason, 通知公共卫生官员.
  5. 目前, the plague in humans is relatively rare and can be successfully managed with antibiotics if contracted. Only 8 cases of the plague were reported in the State of California in the 1990s.
  • 由洛杉矶市提供
  1. 保持冷静.
  2. 不要点燃火柴、蜡烛或香烟.
  3. DON’T turn electrical appliances or lights on or off, or use any device that can cause a spark.
  4. Immediately evacuate the area and call Southern California Gas Company at (800) 427-2200 from a safe location. They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can also call 911 in the case of a gas emergency.
  • 煤气公司提供
  1. Our power provider works hard to prevent power outages, but they do happen occasionally. If you experience a blackout in your apartment, below are some simple safety reminders.
  2. 看看你的邻居是否有电. This will help determine whether there’s an electric outage.
  3. 关掉所有的灯(除了一盏). You can help prevent damage to your electronics by unplugging them; unplug computers, 音响, 和电视. After the electricity is restored, you can plug them in again.
  4. Get updates from a battery-powered radio if it’s a storm or emergency situation. If it’s a hot day, find relief from the heat at a nearby cool center.
  5. 随身携带充满电的手机. During power outages, you may lose phone service, and your cordless phone may also lose power.
  6. 保持冰箱和冰箱门关闭. 它有助于保持食物凉爽. 在吃食物之前,检查它们是否变质了.
  7. 不要在室内生火或生火. If you are cold during a power outage, wear multiple layers of warm clothing.
  8. 如果你看到倒下的电线,不要碰它. 立即拨打911!
  • 南加州爱迪生公司提供
冰箱礼仪 & 安全
  1. 不要让冰箱超载. 冷空气必须流通以保证食品安全.
  2. Always discard any items in the refrigerator that have come into contact with raw meat juices.
  3. 立即清理泄漏物.
  4. 把门完全关上.
  5. 不要移动或拿走不属于你的东西.
  6. 不要长时间放置物品. 
使用你的炉灶 & 烤箱
  1. 做饭时不要无人看管.
  2. 保持清洁. Food particles and grease residue can ignite and cause a fire.
  3. 检查身体安全.
  • 把长发扎到脑后.
  • 卷起长袖.
  • 摘掉松动的首饰.
  • 确保鞋子是防滑的.
  1. 每次使用前,做一个烤箱安全检查.
  • 确保烤箱里什么都没有. 烤箱绝对不能用来储存食物.
  • Make sure that there are no food particles or grease residue on the stovetop or in the oven.
  • 不用炉子给公寓供暖.
阳台或天井礼仪 & 安全
  1. 打扫阳台的时候, 露台或您的前门入口方式, please sweep up trash and dispose of it in a trash receptacle.
  2. Balconies, patios nor entry ways may not be used for storage, i.e. 可回收物、垃圾、清洁用品等.


  • 点击这里 看一段正规澳门平台十大赌博酒后驾车的视频. 不要让这种事发生在你身上!
  • 点击这里 to watch an important safety video about kitchen oil fires.
